Thursday, January 9, 2014

Razor clams go with almost everything

I mean it, razor clams do go with almost everything.  Just don't overcook them!  Actually, if you separate the critter from its shell by dipping in boiling water, about 20-30 seconds will cook them enough to keep them from tasting "too" raw and not so much as to turn them into little white rubber bands.  Do not fear the tender razor clam.

Some ideas about what to do with chopped razor clams:

A razor clam garnish on drained pasta, with tomato sauce, pesto sauce, Alfredo sauce or just Balsamic vinegar and olive oil.  A little pepper and salt, if you please.  Don't forget that fish sauce and sesame oil from your local Asian grocery store makes a hearty noodle soup.  

Got tortillas?  drop in a few ounces on the middle of a tortilla and make a wrap.  Don't forget some veggies like lettuce, tomatoes, garlic for a little bite, hot sauce or pesto.  anything goes.  \

Got bread?  Make an open face sandwich.

Fritters?  Definitely a time honored method of eating these boys, if you don't mind all the oil that soaks into the breading.  You can also fry them without the breading.  NO matter what, don't overcook.

Ceviche?  Why not?  Scour the web for a recipe and substitute clams for whatever other seafood it calls for.

In ice cream or yogurt?  Yeah!   It's great!

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